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You can help contribute to the growth and development of the SHOWCASE AUSTRALIA concept, through donations, advertising, sponsorship and support of any kind.
Showcase Australia
Useful Links
For all your Graphic design needs
Kismana Music
Supporting Songwriters
Connie Kis Andersen
Singer / Songwriter
KM Publicity
For your promotional needs
In Appreciation ...
Showcase Australia is produced on an entirely self-funded and voluntary basis.
Angel donations and the support of in-kind and commercial sponsorship is greatly appreciated.
A very special thanks then, is extended to the following people and companies for their in-kind support ...
Mustang Radio Services
Mustang Radio Services was developed out of necessity to create an affordable option for recording artists and radio programmers to promote their projects to networks around the world.
The owner and manager Tex Owen is also one half of the multi-award winning, performing and recording duo, Andersonlane.
Photography by David Rayside
Community · Photographer - Not a business
"Moments in time are never the same, we all look but do we truly see? I take photos for the pure joy of capturing that moment. It's a passion and hobby but who knows what the future may bring,
I've always liked looking at beautiful photography but I'm new to this and took up the camera and started shooting june 2012 and finally finding my passion at last...all feed back welcome."
"We produce DVDs showing some of Oz's great destinations and treks. They are available from our website and via eBay."
Mission: "To promote tourism within Australia"
Website: © 2022 C.K. Andersen
T/as Kismana Music
Kangaroo Photography: Courtesy of David Rayside